Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Camp in August!

Hello! We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. We are and we are quite busy at our chess club with the current camps that are approaching! We're excited to announce that not only are we having a camp in July, but in addition we also have added on a new camp in August. We would love it if you could make it. Please keep on reading to find out more information about the camp.

Join Beverly Hills Chess Club for a fun filled camp in Beverly Hills with the following activities: chess, martial arts, instructional piano, and cartoon drawing. Our August camp takes place from August 22nd-26th. Sign up fast to reserve your spot. To take advantage of the low rate, please go to our website at and download a registration form and submit it via email or fax (the link for the registration form is below).

The camp is divided into sections:

The morning has 1.15 minutes of karate, snack, 1.30 minutes of chess, lunch, again 1.15 minutes of karate, 1.30 minutes of interactive chess. This goes until 3 pm. From 3 to 5 pm we have included piano and cartooning. Although optional -- it is included for no additional fee -- 1 hr of piano instruction and 1 hr of cartooning.

A chess set, karate uniform and piano notes and supplies are included.

Contact Info:
Ages: for children ages 5-15
Phone: 310-274-7873
Twitter: @bhchessclub

To fill out our registration form please go to this site:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Come to Our Camp this Summer!

Summer will be here soon enough and we are enjoying
the gorgeous weather in Beverly Hills.
Have you been by our business lately? 
Our business is growing and we are excited to announce
that we will be having a camp this summer! 
Our camp will include piano lessons with Riko Method, 
learning how to draw caricatures with George Huante,
learning self defense, and chess of course!
Please visit our website to learn more or view our flyer below!
We'd love to have you and your children
participate in this wonderful activity this summer.
Thanks for stopping by our blog if you are a first time visitor.
Come to Beverly Hills Chess Club,
pull up a chair, and play a game of chess with us!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Upcoming Events & Chess Club Festival March 27th!

We have two events coming up! 

Please look at our fliers below
for contact information, location, etc. 
We hope you are having
a wonderful week! 
 There is a new film coming out called Queen To Play and 
Beverly Hills Chess Club will be handing out fliers, helping others
learn and become more involved in chess!
Let us know if you have any questions about our coming events!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chess Quotes to Ponder and Upcoming Events

We hope you've been having a wonderful weekend.
As we mentioned in our previous post our March schedule
is up and we would love for you to stop by and learn more 
Here are a few upcoming events and their descriptions:
BHCC Scholastic Tournaments are the 
first Sundays of the month: 
These tournaments are USCF Rated 
and open to public. (March 6th - today!)

BHCC Club Tournaments are the 
third Saturday of the month: 
These tournaments are for club members and 
their immediate family members only,
and are not USCF Rated.

Enjoy some quotes that we located as well as some 
pictures of  our kids who have
ardently participated in chess through our club.
They are learning immensely and enjoy every
moment of their experience!
After that, Kasparov stepped back from chess which is,
and I want this to be clear, not good for chess in general at all. 
As a whole, the current situation in the chess 
world leaves a lot to be desired.
Anatoly Karpov

Between rounds of speed chess I read enough of 
a programming manual to teach myself to write programs
on the school's DEC mainframe in the language Basic.
Eric Allin Cornell

Bobby Fischer has an enormous knowledge of chess
and his familiarity with the chess 
literature of the USSR is immense.
Boris Spassky

But it's also because of something personal. 
My mother and father met while playing chess, 
so I've always had a fondness for the game. 
If it weren't for chess, I might not be here.
Dorothy Dunnett

Chess can be described as the movement 
of pieces eating one another.
Marcel Duchamp

Chess first of all teaches you to be objective.
Alexander Alekhine

Chess for me is not a game, but an art. Yes, and I 
take upon myself all those responsibilities which
an art imposes on its adherents.
Alexander Alekhine

Chess is a sport. The main object in the game of chess 
remains the achievement of victory.
Max Euwe

Chess is an infinitely complex game, which one can 
play in infinitely numerous and varied ways.
Vladimir Kramnik

All quotes can be found at Brainy Quotes.

Have a fantastic week!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Chess Benefits Children & March Schedule

We hope you are having a wonderful week.
We would like to provide you with the link to our
March schedule online: Beverly Hill's Chess Club's

We have many exciting events that are coming up including
We would love for you to join us and please see our website
for further details.

We came across an outstanding article about how chess benefits
children and thought we would share it with you:

By Colin Martyn
"It has often been said that chess is a "gymnasium for the mind", but what exactly are the benefits that a child can derive from the Royal Game? Can we go so far as to claim that it can teach children important life skills and boost their academic performance? Well, I can't say that I've carried out meticulous scientific research, but I have taught chess and I am aware that studies have been undertaken, with very encouraging results. I also have my own growing-up experience to draw on. How did I manage to succeed academically and later carve out a professional career as a chartered engineer when no-one in my immediate family ever made it beyond the realms of factory floor worker or shop assistant? Well it would be wrong of me to imply that it was all down to the influence of a single board game, yet it so happened that the kid at the end of my street was something of a chess prodigy and county under-18 champion at just thirteen years of age. I was eleven at the time and probably not the best student he'd ever had, but I persevered and developed a fascination for the game that has lasted all my life.

So, what are the qualities that we need to play a typical game of chess? And how might playing the game make a kid smarter?

Fun: It all starts here. Children crave fun, so it's an essential part of keeping a child absorbed and productive. A chess game allows you to command an army. You can order your soldiers to sacrifice themselves, act as a battering ram, wait until more firepower arrives, storm the centre, switch to the flanks, attack, defend, capture the enemy pieces, make new queens by promoting pawns etc. etc.. With every new game comes a challenging new battlefield, demanding the formulation of new plans and a novel set of tactical ideas. Such varied gameplay, rich in its possibilities, guarantees a limitless supply of fun and enjoyment to anyone with a basic grasp of the rules.

Concentration and motivation: As we all know, children can be fidgety at the best of times, but get them involved in something fun and inspiring and they will soon become focused. Creative things like drawing, painting, building sandcastles, or decorating cakes are great motivators, as are puzzles like 'joining the dots' to reveal a picture, or 'finding the hidden word' in a matrix of letters. Chess combines many of these elements of creativity and puzzle solving and so by captivating and holding the child's attention, can improve their concentration levels, while motivating them to learn more.
Imagination and creativity: It is an amazing fact that a typical game of chess contains more possible continuations than there are atoms in the universe. Consequently, even the most powerful supercomputers cannot calculate what would constitute the perfect game. This makes chess an infinitely large canvas for inventing and testing fantastical and beautiful ideas. The most creative players are able to conjure unique and esoteric masterpieces by combining known strategems with elements of 'blue sky thinking'.

Logic and reasoning: Chess relies on stringing together a series of logical thoughts. The corollary of a particular continuation may be that we have a more centralised knight ready to spring an attack, but our opponent will free his bishop to go marauding on the queenside. It is then a question of balancing the merits and demerits of those two opposing outcomes. Children need to learn this skill, as life is full of dilemmas requiring fine judgment and it will be useful to know how to go about reaching a satisfactory conclusion.

Strategic thinking: Strategic planning is something that few people do consciously and yet, in every aspect of life, we must see the bigger picture before taking far-reaching or commital decisions. And so it is with chess; you can speculate that a flurry of tactics will gain you a pawn, but if the resulting position leaves too many long term weaknesses in your camp, then you'll lose the game anyway. Thinking strategically helps you to avoid such pitfalls.

Decision making: Chess is all about being decisive. In serious play, the clock is ticking and you simply must choose between the many possible moves on offer. Accordingly, we develop mechanisms that allow us to rate and compare the various possible outcomes. Typically, these assessments are formed from calculation, or by recognizing winning and losing patterns and structures. The process can even be entirely intuitive, once you have the necessary experience and confidence in your own ability. Ultimately, the clock is boss and no-one wants the disappointment of losing on time, so we learn to make quick decisions and strive to prove them correct.
Determination: Any chess player who has bounced back from a poor position or watched his opponent do the same, learns the value of a relentlessly determined approach. The many complexities of the game mean that our best efforts are regularly thwarted and so, it is important not to become disheartened, as moves borne of fatigue or desperation will rarely catch out a skilful opponent. In a poor position, it is vital you remain active and resourceful, as it may be possible to generate sufficient counterplay to turn the tables later in the game. There are even situations where an extremely poor position can be turned into a 'fortress', meaning that the player with advantage cannot make progress and the player with seemingly little hope escapes with a draw. After skill, determination is considered by most experts the next most important attribute in a chess player.

Patience: An impatient attitude rarely works in chess. Players who sacrifice pieces or bring out their queen early in the game and seek a quick checkmate will usually be frustrated by accurate defence. Successful strategies must be properly planned and prepared. This is as important in life, as it is in chess and a valuable lesson for any child to learn.

Discipline: Children quickly learn that a disciplined approach to chess pays huge rewards. Applying 'good practice' principles will give them an excellent foundation to build from. Extensive practice, some home study, coaching and/or self-tutoring will then increase their understanding of winning strategies and techniques. Perhaps most important of all is the after-match analysis. This may be painful after losing a game, but should reveal to the child the error of their ways and enable them to avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over (even more painful).

Taking responsibility for your own actions: How many times do we walk past the local tennis courts and see someone throwing a tantrum over a rally they just lost? - "The ball was out", "my racket's useless", or "if my leg wasn't injured, I'd beat you easily". Similarly, in team sports like soccer, a poor result can be blamed so effortlessly on others - "he wouldn't pass the ball", "the referee was biased", or "our goalkeeper had a terrible game". Unfortunately, children learn these blame shifting behaviors from the professionals, who are very often the masters of excuse-making. On the other hand, the outcome of a game of chess really is down to individual effort alone. If they win or draw, children can take pride in their achievement. If they lose, then understanding how they could have played better is the only way forward.

Respect: Chess is a very curteous game. Players shake hands before and after each game and quickly learn the value of good sportsmanship. There is nothing to which a child can attribute their defeat, other than their opponent's greater mastery of the game. By respectfully acknowledging this fact, they have already taken the first step to recognising how they might improve.

Memory: A developing long term memory will enable a child to remember pre-match preparation and the principles that guide strategic thinking. Similarly, a well exercised short term memory will enable them to store and revisit the calculations they just performed, so that conclusions can be drawn or revised at each step along the way. Chess is a playground for memory training and it's easy to see how these skills will be transferrable to their educational activities and to examination study in particular.

Mathematical concepts: Chess embraces a myriad of mathematical ideas, such as mental calculation, iteration, x and y coordinates, geometry, symmetry, triangulation, pattern recognition etc. What other sport or pastime allows children to explore so many mathematical concepts en-passant?

Visualisation: There are many applications for this skill in everyday life; for example, remembering the face of an old acquaintance, driving to a destination you have visited only once before, or picturing a finished piece of art before you start work on it. Similarly, a child's progression in chess will rely, in part, on them developing an ability to picture what the board will look like some moves down the line. This will allow them to make comparisons with similar positions they have already encountered.

Spatial awareness: Many strategic and tactical aspects of chess hinge on an appreciation of time and space, or in other words, counting how many moves are needed to achieve an objective. An obvious example is judging how long it will take to promote a pawn and whether the enemy king will be able to intercept it before it reaches the eighth rank. Another, more complex question may arise - how long will it take to re-route my minor pieces to the queenside, where the opponent is weak? Pieces cover distances and arrive at squares at different speeds. We can calculate properly when the clock allows, or when it is expedient to do so, but it is important that we make at least an informal judgement and re-evaluate as we go. Such pointers allow us to continuously assess the position and formulate the correct plans.

Notation: Aside from practicing basic writing skills, chess also has its own notation or code, which describes the moves on the chessboard. Children quickly pick up this notation and can then record their games, something they must do in serious competition, according to the laws of the game. The notation relies on abbreviated names for the pieces; N=knight, K=king, B=bishop etc. and the use of coordinates to describe the square moved to. Learning code, manipulating symbols and appreciating the need to keep accurate records are yet more examples of useful skills that chess will teach children.

In conclusion

I doubt very much that this is an exhaustive list of the skills and abilities chess can confer on a child, but hopefully it gives parents a feel for some of the rewards on offer. If you can think of other important points that I have missed, then please add them to the comments below.
Critics of indoor games will of course be anxious to point out the virtues of outdoor activities and physical sports in improving fitness and reducing child obesity. Naturally, a balance must be struck and children should commit equally to indoor and outdoor recreation, with the aim of developing a healthy mind and body. Many chess players are fine sportsmen too; for instance former two-time British chess champion George Alan Thomas was a seven-time All-England badminton champion and a semi-finalist at the Wimbledon tennis championships. In more modern times, the Norwegian Simen Agdestein represented his country at the top level, both as a chess grandmaster and a professional footballer.

Chess remains an option after more active sports have fallen by the wayside through injury or advancing years. Children make lifelong friends at chess clubs and tournaments and will often thank you for getting them involved.

The game is also an excellent tool for bridging the generational divide and can be a great ice-breaker when visiting distant or foreign lands. Try setting up a board next to the communal swimming pool on your next family holiday; you'll be amazed how many people will come and challenge you or your kids to a game, or just use it for a reason to chat!"

What wonderful tips and facts about how chess
can challenge a child and adult's mind!
Enjoy your week and don't forget to
view our new schedule!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Horace Mann School Features Beverly Hills Chess Club

We were thrilled that Horace Mann School in Beverly Hills took the time to mention us in their newsletter. Please read the article below to learn more about our Chess Club and our dedication to helping children learn, thank you!

By:  Pam Kurtz

As we told you last week, our students at Horace Mann School are learning like never before.   Not too long ago there was an empty room at the school.  Now three times a week at lunch time anywhere between 30 - 50 children from kindergarten through 8th grade are learning Chess in our dedicated "chess club room" .  Thanks to Mr. Kessler and the PTA, children have yet another avenue to express their creativity during their lunch period.

 The game of chess is an amazing combination of art, science and sport wrapped in one. There is an art to the game, as each player takes their own creative path in developing their game plan.  The player explores the science behind the opening game usually from the countless opening moves played before.  The player exercises thinking by formulating better tactics and strategies for this game and the next.  Through all this, players build good sportsmanship by acknowledging that in every game -one player usually wins and the other loses.  

They learn from their mistakes and move on for the next match.   We see them improve for next time and through that experience children learn resiliency.  Chess builds good sportsmanship. Studies have shown that not only it helps with academic achievement but it also helps to build character. Beverly Hills Chess Club is committed to teaching your children the lessons of life through this game and we are fortunate to have them staff our lunch time chess club.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Isabelle Minoofar at (310) 274-7873.  Beverly Hills Chess Club, Sports for the Mind.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chess Tournaments Allow Kids To Excel

On March 6 Beverly Hills Chess Club will be hosting a Scholastic Tournament from 1PM-6PM and we would love for you to join us! Please visit our website for more information. We feel these tournaments are great for children; they encourage them to use brain power and help them excel at the same time. We found an article that supports our belief that chess is a fantastic sport for children and adults alike:

The cafeteria at Weber Elementary school was nearly silent Saturday morning as local students focused intently on their chess games.

In the room next door, students waiting to play ran and shouted to one another and played practice matches. Nearly 150 kids in kindergarten through sixth grade participated in the fifth annual Winter Chess Tournament.

Saturday was Daniel Song's first time at the Weber tournament, but at 9 years old, he's practically a chess veteran. He sat quietly at his chess board contemplating his next move against his opponent, 9-year-old Christopher McSweeney. Song has played in tournaments in Cedar Rapids and recently placed fourth in his age group at a statewide competition. "I've played in a lot of tournaments, and this one is fun," Song said.

McSweeney said he first began playing chess with his grandfather and then went on to teach his sister. "I like how it's all strategic," McSweeney said of the game. Weber parent Greg Schmidt first organized the Winter Chess Tournament five years ago as a way to introduce kids to the game and provide an outlet for those who already were playing, he said. The tournament draws participants of all skill levels. "I wanted to get kids to play and feel the thrill of playing," Schmidt said. "There seemed to be a lot of interest, so I thought there would be a good response. Five years later, here we are."

Schmidt said the game provides kids a good opportunity to learn about respectful competition. "It's good because it teaches patience, planning and fierce competition," Schmidt said. "But it also teaches how to compete with civility." Julie Kabat of Coralville attended the tournament with her 9-year-old son, Noah. Kabat said the tournament was an opportunity for kids who play chess regularly, including Noah, to try it out at a more competitive level. "It's good exposure for kids who haven't gotten a chance to play competitive chess," Kabat said. "It builds logic skills, and unlike at a sporting event, it allows kids to excel at an event that requires brain work."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Introducing Beverly Hills Chess Club

We're excited about Beverly Hills Chess Club
and are hoping you can stop by and get
involved in a game of chess with us
if you are in Beverly Hills, 
Los Angeles, and the surrounding areas.  
Please come and be a part of an amazing sport 
for the mind. We offer chess lectures, 
scholastic educational and chess classes,
adult chess programs, regular tournaments, 
memory games (mind teasers), 
private lessons, birthday parties, 
and gift certificates are available.

BHCC Scholastic Tournaments are the
first Sundays of the month: 
These tournaments are 
USCF Rated and open to public.

BHCC Club Tournaments are the
third Saturday of the month: 
These tournaments are for 
club members and their immediate family 
members only, and are not USCF Rated.

We'll be back to update you on more upcoming events.
For now please check out our website:
and please join us by tweeting: BHChessClub

Thank you for stopping by our blog!